Categories: General Date: Nov 14, 2019 Title: Beginners' Courses Starting Soon!
Fencing is a fun way for both kids and adults to stay fit, flexible and healthy. It's completely safe and far cheaper than people often think! All classes are held at the Cardiff Academy of Fencing, Wale's only dedicated fencing salle (school). Once you've completed you course, membership is just £15 a month including equipment hire! We have lots of different ways you can start the sport, from 5 week courses, to private tuition - all of which cost the same, giving you the flexibility you need to start whenever suits you. See the list available courses below and sign up online or {cms_selflink page='contact' text='contact us '}if you have any questions.
Course fee includes tuition and equipment hire. To sign up to a course simply enter you details below and click 'Buy Now'. Alternatively {cms_selflink page='contact' text='contact us'} for a postal form.